April 2020 Release

This is the second release from the “corona lockdown”. We hope that you and your families are all healthy and keep well and fit. We have developed the new Web Client to “flight height” and proudly present our massively improved public showcase for Group Forecasting.

(1) Improved Showcase “Group Forecast”

We have improved our public showcase “Group Forecast” by adding a period selection, a previous month display column and a 6 month rolling forecast. Comments can be entered seperately for actuals and forecast. In the background we have used all the new features introduced later in this release note.

For comparison reasons here is the showcase from last month:

The showcase is fully compatible with the Excel Client, you can download the Excel Template here.

(2) Blogpost “Group Forecast with data1.io and Power BI” (in german language)

We have published a 2 part blogpost introducing the new Group Forecast:

Part 1: Automatisiertes Sammeln dezentraler Daten mit dem Cloud Service data1.io

Part 2: Visualisierung der gesammelten Daten mit Power BI

(3) Web Client: New cell adressing mode “By Column”

We have developed the new cell adressing mode “By Column” which makes it possible to realize templates with many columns and many rows (and is similar to the adressing mode we have in the Excel Client). Typically for this mode ist a definition row with the definition for the record structure and the target measure / text field in the application.

(4) Web Client: New READ-/WRITE Configuration

Another important feature for building larger spreadsheet templates is the definition row and column for the READ-/WRITE configuration, which is defined by a system of entries of 0, 1, 2 and 3:

(5) Web Client: New “System DELTA” Parameter

The content of this field is used as a “flag” for the set of recordsets written to the application with one WRITE process. It is used to identify those recordsets which have to be replaced when writting back the same data once again. Therefore this parameter is only relevant for the WRITE and not for the READ process.

(6) Web Client: New “Is Sum Level” Parameter

This parameter is set when double clicking the dimension tree and therefore an element is selected. “1” says that the selected element is a sum-level, “0” means that a bottom-level element was selected. This parameter is very useful to make calculations and/or settings dependant on the level selected.

(7) Web Client: Schema table not necessary any more

We are very happy that we do not need the so-called schema table anymore. This was an additional definition table supporting the Excel spreadsheet. Now, the Excel spreadsheet contains all relevant information and there is no further need to maintain that table – just upload your Excel template and use it!

(8) Web Client: Performance Boost on READ Processes

We have dramatically improved the performance of the READ Process by Factor 10! Sure, the Web Client was not optimized until now but now it is already faster than the Excel Client!

The new Web Client has now evolved to a proper level and has nearly reached the feature set of the “old” Excel Client. But nevertheless we will continue our investmenets aiming to make it even five times better! So we are very curious for your feedback! Please let us know what you think about it and what kind of collection processes you would prefer to automate with data1.io. 

Hope you will like it – and stay healthy!

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