Release September 2024

We are happy to deliver the brandnew September 2024 release with the new Mobile Views and many more! Try it now!

Remember, the Web Client is the user friendly spreadsheet for your Collector Users to deliver their monthly/weekly/daily data. The Web App is the tool for the Power User to setup and control your organization’s collection workflows.

(1) Web Client: Improved Mobile Views

In April 2023 we delivered the first step of an improved mobile view and with this release we deliver the second step!

a. Improved Mobile Portrait View

In portrait view we have

  • added the button titles in the menu bar
  • added the on/off button for the dimension tree
  • replaced the Excel like sheet selection and the horicontal scroll bar by the new sheet selector
  • removed the Feedback/Help buttons at the bottom of the screen

Tipping the on/off button for the dimension tree turns the dimension tree on or off:

Tipping on the new sheet selector gives you a “drop up” list of the visible sheets within the workbook:

b. Improved Mobile Landscape View

In Landscape View we have

  • lowered the menue bar
  • added the on/off button for the dimension tree
  • focussed the content of the dimension tree – we have removed the application information at the top of the tree and we also have removed the workkflow block at the bottom of the tree
  • replaced the Excel like sheet selection and the horicontal scroll bar by the new sheet selector within the menue bar

Tipping on the new sheet selector gives you a “drop down” list of the visible sheets within the workbook:

c. New Unfreeze Function

Furthermore we have added an unfreeze button which appears if there are frozen rows and/or columns within the selected sheeet. Unfreezing will help your collector users using the sheet also on the mobile phone and on the tablet:

(2) Web Client: New Copy Data functions (Add-On)

The Copy Data function duplicates the existing records in the fact table of the selected element and alters e.g. the scenario. It can be used for the following tasks:

  • Freeze the current data status as „Forecast x“ or as a backup (Collector Users)
  • Create a new scenario from the current data status (Power Eser)
  • Create the default values for the upcoming Forecast out of the Budget or the last Forecast (Power User)

This function is basically designed to be used by the Collector Users (= End Users), but it can also be configured to be used only by Power Users.

The Copy Data feature was released in January 2024 and improved in February 2024 and June 2024. With this release another major update is delivered for this feature.

a. New Definition Structure

Until now, a target rule could only be defined together with one filter condition. This was a major restriction that we have removed now with this release. From now on, the target rules are defined independently from the filter conditions:

b. New Target Rules

Furthermore we have added two new major types of target rules: Date rules and Measure rules.

With a Date rule the values of a date column in the duplicated fact records can be altered to another period of time. E.g. you can move the period of time by + 1 month:

With a Measure rule the values of a measure column in the duplicated fact records can be altered to another value. E.g. you can increase all values by + 4,00 %:

(3) Web Client: New Aggregated % Queries on Date Keys

Until now, aggregated queries within the date dimensions could only be executed with the YEAR, QUARTER and MONTH keywords:

With this release you can use also the % asterisk for the date dimension in order to query the total of the whole period:

(4) Web Client: Performance Improvement for Always Encrypted

In July 2024 release we delivered the Always Encrypted feature for the dimension keys as the new standard. We are happy that we also could improve the performance of the “old” encryption of the measure fields by using a group by index which enables buffering and batch processing of the requested data.

The performance gain is the largest in reports which aggregate (“group by”) the data in one or more dimensions and can be up to 400 %.

(5) Showcase: Comments on aggregated account levels

In May 2024 release we have introduced the new multiple layouts with the new CELLS01/CELLS02 definitions. With this release we deliver a demo for the collection of comments on an aggregated account level.

Look at the EBIT Planning in our public showcase Integrated P&L Planning. The collection of comments was implemented on the bottom accont level (which can be done very easily in

With a separate CELLS02 definition the comments can be collected also on an aggregated account level (e.g. subtotal lines):

(6) Improvements and Debugging

As every month we have done a lot of smaller improvements and debugging.

We hope you like the new features – we are very curious about your feedback!

Please let us know what you think about and what kind of planning and data collection processes you evaluate to automate.

We`ll be back after the summer break with the September Release!

we #StandWithUkraine

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